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Squirrels For Supper?

Posted by Brad Nolen on February 22, 2023

“Squirrels for Supper?”

By: Brooks Milling

We are now stuck in the time of year between deer season and turkey season. For some landowners and hunters, this can be a time of restlessness with not much to do except anticipate the upcoming turkey season or spring fishing. I have heard old timers say that this period is made for remembering the escapades from the past year and to make note of any corrections needing to be made to strategy and gear for the upcoming year. While these are great things to focus on, I look forward to this time of year to get out in the woods with friends or a dog and chase gray squirrels.

There are many benefits to squirrel hunting that you may not realize. No, this is not just about trying to knock tree rats out of the limbs. It is about becoming a better woodsman which makes you a better landowner and land steward. When you are squirrel hunting in February, you can bring along people who may not have had as much exposure to hunting and spend time teaching and mentoring. There is no need to be as quiet or as intense. Also, since deer season is over you should not worry so much about disturbing the deer. This is the time to take advantage of walking your property, eyeballing the timber and vegetation, making mental notes, checking for invasive species, and observing the critters you come across while it is still cooler outside and the woods are easier to move through.

Moreover, this is an excellent time to hone in on shooting fundamentals using a pellet rifle or .22 LR with iron sights. It is easy to lose those core fundamentals if we only fired a few shots during deer season. As hunters, it is essential to be the best shot possible in order to be fair to game we are pursuing. And if you are a turkey hunter or trying to become one, then it is a devastating feeling to have a gobbler in range, fire, and miss. The only worse feeling is watching him stumble before he escapes to safety because chances are that you did not completely miss. Remember, turkey season is going to be here before you know it.

February to early March is a time of year where you may feel there is not much to do, but I urge you to grab a friend or kid, and take them out to bag some squirrels and learn as much as you can from the land while she is the easiest to traverse and the weather is pleasant. It can help you realize what needs to be done to improve the property or where to be next year to capitalize on a stud buck.


Alabama Squirrel Season: Sept. 10 – March 5    Bag Limit: 8 a day






Name: Brooks Milling

Phone: 251-656-2253








Author/Agent with a Monroe 

County, AL Red Hills Gray Squirrel

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